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Writing a Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are great way to support our candidates and our cause.  

Below are instructions to help you write and submit yours today.

The Sentinel/Cumberlink

To be considered for publication, letters must be under 300 words and signed. Please print your name under your signature and include your address and a daytime telephone number. We routinely edit for length, accuracy, and clarity. We do not publish copies, form letters, or letters addressed to anyone other than the editor. Letters will be verified before they are printed. Writers may criticize others’ actions, but personal attacks will not be printed. Writers are limited to one appearance per calendar month.

Mail your letter to: Letters to the Editor, The Sentinel, Carlisle, PA 17013 -or- deliver to our offices at 457 E. North St., Carlisle.

Email your letter to: Include an address and daytime phone number in your email message.

Submit online directly: 

The Patriot News/PennLive

Email submissions to or complete the form below. No more than 250 words. You must include your real name, address and day time phone number. If we decide to run your letter, we'll call you first to verify.


If you don’t have access to a computer, mail your piece to: PennLive, 1900 Patriot Dr., Mechanicsburg, PA 17050.

For examples, visit the NEWS section of our website.  

Or check out our Facebook page for inspiration.

If your letter gets published, email us a link/copy at so we can share on our website and social media

Citizens for Carlisle Schools

PO Box 886 | Carlisle, PA 17013

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