Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Tom DeWall | The Patriot News
Sep 20, 2023
The school board has been run in a professional way. It would be a big mistake to turn it over to a group whose main agenda seems to be promoting the culture wars.
The Carlisle Area School Board is functioning well in a nonpartisan way. They oversee a district that is a community asset. They follow consensus-based governance and leave the politicking to others.
Although almost half (49.6%) of the students come from low-income families, the district is doing well with student performance. CHS students score above the state average in math, science, and reading. This has resulted at least in part from board policies, such as the subsidized nutrition program, which helps students especially in the lower grades. Carlisle High School is among a small minority of high schools in the state that offer career and technical education. This is one of many academic pathways for students.
Our schools have lower than average teacher turnover. Teachers know the board is supportive and respectful. This support is in contrast to the unfounded claims by some candidates mounting a negative campaign that teachers can’t be trusted since they try to “indoctrinate” students. These candidates are backed by outside groups that want to ban books, undercut the teaching of accurate race relations, and discriminate against LGBT students.
The school board has been run in a professional way. It would be a big mistake to turn it over to a group whose main agenda seems to be promoting the culture wars. On Nov. 7, please vote for the Citizens for Carlisle Schools – Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Joe Shane, George Stroud, and Jon Tarrant.
Tom DeWall