Citizens for Carlisle Schools
Candidate Petitions
February 18 - March 11
In order to get on the ballot, our candidates must collect signatures from registered Democratic and Republican voters in the Carlisle Area School District. You can help them by volunteering to collect signatures from your family, friends and neighbors. Everything you need to get started in provided below.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (for petition circulators):
All blank spaces which appear at the top of the front page of each petition must be completed before signatures are obtained. Below are downloadable petition forms with candidate information already filled. Only use these forms.
Petitions must be printed double-sided, on plain 8 1⁄2” x 11” white paper. Do not alter petition forms in any way (no page numbers, do not staple them together, do not highlight, mark, or otherwise notate).
To circulate petitions, you must be a registered Democrat or Republican in the Carlisle Area School District (includes Borough of Carlisle, North Middleton Township, Dickinson Township and Mt. Holly Borough). You may ONLY collect signatures from voters in your own party.
The Statement of Circulator on the back of the petition form must be completed and signed by the person who circulated the petition AFTER signatures are gathered.
Return all petitions to Citizens for Carlisle Schools no later than SATURDAY, MARCH 8th.
Contact Rick Galena at hello@citizensforcarlisleschools.org to make arrangements. Only original copies can be submitted to the Bureau of Elections. We will not accept scans or photocopies.
All petitions must be complete and accurate in order to be accepted by the Cumberland County Bureau of Elections. Please download and follow these instructions carefully.
Only use the petition forms provided below.
Contact Rick Galena at hello@citizensforcarlisleschools.org if you have any questions, need help with petition forms, or are unclear about any aspect of the signature gathering process.
Democratic petition circulators use these forms to collect signatures from registered Democrats ONLY.
Republican petition circulators use these forms to collect signatures from registered Republicans ONLY.

Each signer must be a registered voter in the Carlisle Area School District and a member of the same political party referred to on the front of the petition. In other words, Republicans may only sign the Republican petition and Democrats may only sign the Democratic petition.
Voters may sign up to four school board candidate petitions. Petition signers must print and sign their name exactly as they are registered. (Example: registered as “Jonathan Doe” may not sign “John Doe”)
Except in limited cases of physical incapacity, the signer MUST complete the entire line themselves, including: signature, printed name and residence address, municipality, and date of signing. Circulators are NOT allowed to complete information for the voter.
Do NOT use PO Boxes. ZIP Codes are not required.
DO NOT use ditto (“) marks anywhere on the petition. DO NOT allow one person in a household to sign or complete a signature line for another member of the household.
If a signer makes a mistake, draw a single line through the entire row and move down to the next row.